Saturday, August 25, 2012

the weekend, so far

Last night was the annual Daddy Daughter Campout. That made for two very happy girls, and one sad, sad little boy. Elliot was feeling so left out. So we went to the grocery store and bought a doughnut and drank some root beer and then we felt all better.

Mike snapped that picture of cute Mabel on their way to Sedona. They were stopped on the I-10 because they were rear-ended! Total bummer, but glad everyone was ok. (By the way, it only took Mabel ten years to appreciate my braiding skills.) I can't wait to hear how the rest of their night went. They forgot an air mattress + extra blankets. I hope they didn't freeze!

Some early 33rd birthday presents: washi tape + holder from Leslie, and a cake stand from me. How in the world am I supposed to bring myself to use that gorgeous tape, Les? It's so so pretty.

p.s. This is my new favorite.


  1. I put washi tape on the back of envelopes that I mail.

    1. wonderful idea! i am totally going to do that. thanks ellen!

  2. Love the new cake stand....where did you find it?


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