Monday, June 29, 2009

The Onesie Dress Tutorial

When Stella was teeny, I made her a onesie dress.
It is the perfect little dress for a little girl, and is pretty simple to make.

Here is a tutorial:

None of these instructions need to be followed exactly, just fyi.
They are more like suggestions.

Step 1. Gather your supplies.
You will need:
a onesie, any size
1/3 yard fabric for dress
less than 1/4 yard fabric for ruffle (really just a 3 inch wide strip), optional
1/8 inch wide elastic, length depends on size of onesie
(I needed 15 inches for my size 3-6 month onesie.)

Step 2. Wash and dry onesie and fabric.


Step 3. Measure the onesie.
Put your measuring tape straight across the front, directly under the sleeves.
(My onesie measured 7.5 inches across.)

Then measure the length, starting about where you measured the width.
(Mine was 9.5 inches.)


Step 4. Cut (or rip, as I prefer) the fabric.
For the dress:
You will need a long rectangle.
Take the first measurement from Step 3 (7.5 in) and multiply it by 4 (30 in).
This is the length of the rectangle.
The width is the second measurement from Step 3 (9.5 in), minus about 2 inches if you plan on adding a ruffle (7.5-ish).
Rip a piece of fabric to size.
(I prefer ripping because it is fast and accurate.)

For the ruffle:
Take the length of the rectangle for the dress (30 in) and multiply it by 1.5 (45 in).
This is the length of your ruffle.
The width can vary, but I find 3 inches (it will be 2 inches when finished) to be a good size.
Rip a piece of fabric to size.

Press torn edges.


Step 5. Sew side seams together on dress and ruffle.
(I prefer a 1/2 inch seam allowance, but anything will work.)



Now finish the top edge of the dress and the bottom edge of the ruffle
by turning the rough edge under about 1/4 inch, and then again, and stitching.
(If you chose not to add a ruffle, you would finish both edges of the dress.)


Step 6. Gather the ruffle and attach to dress.
After gathering, pin the ruffle to the dress, right sides together, matching side seams, and making sure to spread the gather evenly.
Sew in place.
(This step is a kind of a pain.)
Finish the rough edge inside with a zig zag stitch.
(This keeps it from raveling and just looks nicer.
Also, this is when I dream of owning a serger.)


Step 7. Topstitch
This will make the ruffle lie flat and pretty.
It also looks more official this way.



Step 8. Attach the elastic.
Remember when you measured across the front of the onesie way back in step 3?
You need that measurement again (7.5 in) times two (15 in).
Cut the elastic this length.
Position the elastic on the wrong side of the fabric, just under the finished edge, and sew it on, pulling tight to stretch it as you go.
(I like to mark the halfway point of the elastic and the dress with some pins. I try to match these up as I am sewing so the elastic will be even throughout the dress.)

Step 9. Attach the dress to the onesie.
Pin the dress to the onesie, making sure the top edge is straight.

Sew in place.
I use a small zig zag stitch directly over the elastic.
Take your time on this step, and make sure the onesie is flat underneath.


Step 10. Give to a pretty baby girl.
{This one is headed to Mrs. Dub, and another just like it to Josie
(two more of my favorite old roomies).
They are both expecting girls this summer. Hurray!}


This dress leaves a lot of room for embellishment, if that is your thing.
Piping, ric rac, ribbon, etc. would all dress it up a bit.

I know the fabrics I chose are not exactly understated, like I talked about here, but I just couldn't help myself. I think it's ok to be bold and colorful sometimes.

All measurements can be approximated, because a gathered dress leaves a lot of room for error.

What I love most about this dress is that since it still has the onesie underneath, when you pick up the baby, it won't ride up under her armpits.
I hate when that happens.

a note: A few alternate instructions can be found here.

Good luck!
Feel free to email me if you have questions.


  1. Hooray! I was starting to stress because I really wanted to make one of these (and we all know that would have a bad outcome), but it looks like that beaut is headed my way. You are so talented and kind! A lethal combo in my opinion.

  2. it's so cute steph, and such easy to follow directions. you need to keep this in your sidebar. . .

  3. Okay, seriously???? How cute is that?? Are you for hire? I need a cute dress for Emily for our portraits in August and I can't find anything I am crazy about.

  4. How 'bout I just buy some from you since once I saw the word 'gather' I knew this was beyond my skills?

  5. i'm glad to know that my little niece will be looking fab in your lovely dress. you are uber talented.

  6. That is so cute! I think the fabrics are perfect- and I'm really excited to hear about Mrs. Dub! I enjoyed her blog when she was blogging.

  7. PS- it sounds like you need to open up an Etsy shop.

  8. Thank you for clothing my granddaughter who will clearly be chic beyond her ... months.

  9. I am so making one of these. This is such a cute idea! Love the tutorial.

  10. I just got it last night! LOVE IT!

    I was telling my friend today about how INGENIOUS and gifted you are.


    And thank you so much for sharing your talents with me!

  11. So cute!!! I have to keep this in mind if anyone in the family has little girl! TFS!!

  12. LOVE this. Way way way cuter than any other version I've seen.

    Char (a friend of Alissa's)

  13. Just found out that the twins that my brother and sister in law are expecting this year are BOTH girls...I am most excited about this because it means I get to make TWO of these adorable dresses. Linking to your post at


  14. i have seen ALOT of tutorials for baby clothes...this has to be, hands down, the BEST thing i have seen out there in bloggy land.
    i wonder if i can adapt that with a tshirt for my 7 yr old. she has a few shirts that are to short, but still if everwhere else. i linking back to ya. this is great.

  15. I just made this and it turned out great! Thank you so much for the awesome directions!

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Thank you so much for making this tutorial! It is so easy to follow! Kudos to you!

  17. Just found your blog through " A little moore" and love this idea. I am pregnant with my first child now, and am gonna make some of these, adn ironically have the name STELLA at the top of my name list!

  18. I made your onsie dress and linked you on my craft blog at

    Thanks for your tutorial!


  19. I loved this onesie dress Stephanie and I loved making it! Thanks for the tutorial!!!

    I am going to link to you too.

  20. I'm so glad I googled onsie dress tutorial! This is adorable - I've been looking for something like this. I tried to make a sleeping gown similarly, but ran into several problems. I think you have solved them all. I'm also having a baby girl next week and want to make matching dresses for her and big sister. This will be PERFECT!! Thanks so much!

  21. I'm definitely not a sewing person, but I'm pregnant with a girl, and wanted some cute dresses. I tried this tutorial, and it was really easy! Thank you so much!

  22. Ill be giving this ago today!! :)

  23. Leaving the onesie intact -- brilliant! Really, hadn't thought of that. Perfect for the really little ones. Thank you :-)

  24. I found your blog and the tutorial for the onesie dress today. I made three dresses for my granddaughter. I got started and couldn't stop! What a fun project. My granddaughter is 3 months old and I have dusted off my sewing machine and started sewing today. I had seen some of these dresses in a little boutique recently and they were selling for $35. I made three for $12! Thanks for the great tutorial.

  25. Made it! Linked you up here:

  26. i am now doing my 3rd of these babies. i love it soo much! thanks for putting this up here, really! only problem is when i attach the elastic to the dress, when im stretching it out it seems like the stitches get bundles up a little. is there a setting secret? do you adjust your sewing maching a little different for sewing elastic.

    Pins, Needles, & Kids

  27. dear pins, needles, and kids,

    when attaching the elastic to the dress, i use a small zig zag. if the stitches bunch a little bit, i don't worry too much, as the gather of the skirt will camouflage it some.

    also, you might want to try my alternate (favorite) method for attaching the skirt here: it hides the stitching completely.

    good luck!

  28. I just found you, and I'm very glad I did! I didn't read all the comments, so I don't know if anyone else has used your tutorial as a jumping off point for making sleeping gowns for infants, using the top of a onesie and a rectangle of fabric. I intend to do just that, and instead of finishing the garment with a ruffle and making a dress, I will be making it a little longer and finishing it with elastic to close it. My niece wants a few beautiful gowns for the daughter she is expecting in the fall... I appreciate your inspiration, and I am so thankful that you were kind enough to share it! I look forward to delving further into your blog and learning more from you!!!

  29. What an adorable dress and super easy directions! Love the visuals! I made your Onsie Dress for one of the little girls I care for and wanted to share my results with you. Thank you so much for posting this. We fell in love with it the minute we saw your dress!

  30. What a great idea! I want to make one for my niece! nicely done!

  31. I just finished two of these today - - am totally enamored with how cute they turned out - thank you for the inspiration!!

  32. I love this tutorial, but I am confused on the side seam sewing...I'm obviously not a seamstress :-) I tried to make this yesterday for my daughter and it ended up doll size. Can you explain how to sew the side seam please?

  33. bakohler, once you have your large rectangle piece for the skirt (step 4 in the tutorial), line up the short ends, right sides together, and stitch about 1/2 inch from the edge, all the way down the short end. this is your side seam. you will now have a large loop of fabric.

    if it ended up being too small, maybe your original rectangle wasn't big enough?

    if you have more questions, please email them to

    i hope this clears it up for you!

  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Very nice thank you :)

  35. Thank you so much for this tutorial and taking the time to personally answer my questions. Here is the end result:
    We actually made three but just wanted to post one. Thanks again!!

  36. Love love LOVE this tutorial!!! Have made several already as gifts....but now I want to make one like your original (soft pink one in the photo with your daughter). Can you advise how to attach the ribbon at the empire waist? It's is such a beautiful delicate touch...but I can't figure out how to attach it without restricting the "stretch" of both the onesie and the gathered skirt. :( Please help!!! My email is if it's easier to just email instructions :) THANKS!!!

  37. love this! i have friends who are twins and both are expecting little girls next month and these are perfect. i completed my first one this afternoon and have plans for four more. a picture of my first one is here: if you'd like to see what you inspired. thanks so much for such a great tutorial. :)

  38. I love this dress!! I shared it on my blog post Baby Stuff – Best Onesie Makeovers on Pinterest here:

    Thanks for teaching us about this! BTW this was the first Pinterest sewing project I ever did. Turned out pretty nice!

  39. I can't wait to make this for my daughter. Her name is also Stella & I used that green floral fabric for her crib bedding!

  40. I haven't sewn in years and this got me right back into it! It's so Precious!

  41. Thank you, thank you thank you! I wanted to make a cute simple baby gift for a needy young mother and this will be perfect. I can make her up several so easily and they'll be so cute and trendy and just the sort of thing she will love. You did this tute several years ago and see how it is still blessing others?
    Have a wonderful day dear!

  42. Thank you for your tutorial, very descriptive. Expecting my first granddaughter after three grandsons, I can't wait to get sewing girly things. I'm starting this project right now after picking out some really cute onesies, pink of course!

  43. This is a great tutorial. I made one for my niece and am about to start my next one for a baby shower gift. I'm a beginner and you made this very easy for me, plus the finished product has been a hit! Thank SO much!

  44. I've been holding on to this tutorial for awhile and finally a friend of mine had a baby girl! I blogged about it and linked back to you:

    Thanks for the awesome tutorial!

  45. I have a question. When attaching the fabric to the onesie, could you skip the elastic band & just use elastic thread? I used elastic thread in my bobbin when I made a dress for my older daughter with this similar idea of the fabric being attached to a tank top.

    1. i've never tried elastic thread. you will have to let me know if it worked!

    2. I'm going to try it soon. I think it might be easier than trying to attach elastic.

    3. Ok I attempted it with the elastic thread, but I wasn't able to fold the fabric over at the top to make a finished edge, b/c the elasticity wouldn't work with more than one layer of fabric. So it was a little tricky. What I had to do was turn the skirt part upside down matching right sides together with the onesie & sew it with the elastic thread. It did ok then. (I hope that made sense the way I explained it. Now if I could have only sewn my fabric a little straighter. Haha. I covered that up with a cute little belt that ties in the back & a flower. Here is my rendition (I pinned it to my Pinterest page). Please keep in mind I am NOT a seamstress ;)

  46. My daughter is giving us our first grandbaby - a girl in a few months. I already have the onesies - definitely going to make these. We have her first baby shower this weekend so I've got to get busy!

  47. Ok I attempted it with the elastic thread, but I wasn't able to fold the fabric over at the top to make a finished edge, b/c the elasticity wouldn't work with more than one layer of fabric. So it was a little tricky. What I had to do was turn the skirt part upside down matching right sides together with the onesie & sew it with the elastic thread. It did ok then. (I hope that made sense the way I explained it.) Now if I could have only sewn my fabric a little straighter. Haha. I covered that up with a cute little belt that ties in the back & a flower. Here is my rendition (I pinned it to my Pinterest page). Please keep in mind I am NOT a seamstress ;)

  48. Hi, I love this dress and will be making it...Can you tell me how did you make the flower?

  49. I had the same idea to do this(alredy bought several onesies, in several sizes), but was not sure how to do it. Thanks so very much for the tutorial.

  50. Hi- thanks so much for posting. Just made a gorgeous one for my son's teacher's newborn boy using some of my dress fabrics. Love love love it and your instructions are brilliant. Thanks again for sharing this with us :)

  51. Hi :) It's December 9th 2015 and I just made this adorable dress and wanted to say thank you! It turned out marvelous!

  52. I love this tutorial, I attempted my first dress and the ruffle on the bottom seemed too short. Did anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering where I went wrong?

  53. I love this tutorial, I attempted my first dress and the ruffle on the bottom seemed too short. Did anyone else have this problem? I'm wondering where I went wrong?

  54. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I really appreciate your work to provide us these details.
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  55. Great tutorial- love the bright colors.
    One question, technically wouldn't the width of the rectangle be 30 inches (7.5x4)? since you were measuring the width/circumference around the onesie, and then the 9.5 would be the length of the rectangle? Just to keep it straight, since if you have a fabric pattern that is directional, you'd want to make sure the width was the horizontal to keep the fabric pattern correct? or is the length supposed to be 4x the circumference?

    Great tutorial, I'm just clarifying in case anyone else was a little confused at first time reading that section?

  56. I just made this pattern for my 6 month granddaughter with patriotic material and it turned out very cute Thanks for the tutorial

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