Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Finally, Something to Blog About

Note: This post is mostly for grandparents and other various family members who enjoy seeing pictures of my kids.

I still feel yucky all the time,
so any other kind of post is simply out of the question at this point.

Anyway, last night was Mike's Mom's work family picnic.
In the words of Oliver and Mabel, It was FUN!

They really liked feeding the ducks.
Notice the sweatshirts?
That's right, it is the end of April and we still need sweatshirts!


  1. i was getting ready to call you today and plead for a blog post. i saw cathy's so i knew you had fun this weekend, and was patiently waiting for pics of olibo . . .
    hooray! i can't believe it's chilly there! it was 94 when i visited! crazy.

  2. Love the pics and hope you feel better soon! Call me if you ever want to have lunch again!

  3. Good thing you're having another - although boo! for nausea - because that Oliver is practically a man. And Mabel might as well be 13 she looks so grown up. Can't wait to see them both next month! (Please say you feel better by then, and that we can swap sweatshirts for swimsuits!)

  4. YES to the offer for lunch! call me with the details and gracie and i are there!

  5. my kids love feeding the ducks too. the ducks are really aggressive by the park by us. maybe mesa ducks are more mellow.

  6. I'm glad to see that the bed head has been remedied. You make cute kids, keep up the good work!

  7. your kids are dolls. i thought it was always warm in arizona?

  8. their grins make me want to smile. so cute!!!

  9. Oliver has a great smile! Sorry you're still sick... crazy to think it wasn't too long ago that you were praying to feel this way (well, to be pregnant, anyway)! Have you tried ginger crystal tea? You can usually get the pure kind at the Chinese market (if you have one close by) or I have a place online to order it from. Sometimes makes the mornings passable although nothing is a "cure."

  10. so adorable - hurrah for sweatshirts in AZ - send some of your sunny skies my way, will you?


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