Wednesday, May 22, 2013

clearing out the funk

I was in a funk something awful yesterday. It started when our cat brought a dead rat into the house. Oh guy. A rat. At least it was dead? Gag. Things quickly went downhill after that. I don't even know why. Nothing was enough. Nothing felt right.

So I did what I always do in these situations: I baked a batch of cookies and organized my closet. Does that work for you, too? Clearing out the clutter clears my mind. By the time Elliot was up from his nap, and Stella was done watching a movie, and Mabel and Oliver were home from school, I was ready to be myself again.

Goodness. Here's to a better today.


  1. Oh no, a rat? How awful for you. I'm glad your afternoon went better. When I'm in a funk, all I want to do is crawl back in bed. Good for you for changing your negative energy into positive. Have a great day today!

  2. What a start to a day! Here's to no more rats in your house and to the delicious cookies you made!! And to having a good attitude! Thanks for being positive even when it's hard!

  3. Cleaning out the closet always works for me. Something about purging, I guess. And then stuffing my face with cookies and milk. : )

  4. Oh man, Stephanie, I was the same yesterday! Except I know why... No cookies for me but I did start on David's drawers. Unfortunately I didn't finish so his clothes are strewn all over his floor, but I'll get the rest done today!

  5. Goodness -guess what???? I do much the same thing!

  6. Oh those blasted funks. Hope today is going better. How is everyone feeling?

  7. Cookies definitely make everything better, and decluttering? - my lifesaver for sure!!!

  8. Oh yes-and I always start in my closet. (I'm trying to stay away from cookies, but they do the trick too!)


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