Thursday, October 04, 2012

two things

One: Elliot loves keys. He was sweating it out in our not-cool Arizona room the other day just so he could lock and unlock this door a million times. I never really think he looks like Oliver, but in this picture they are twins.

Two: We maybe got a cat. A compromise cat. Mike wanted to go to Rocky Point for October break next week, and I really didn't. Driving through hours of empty Mexican desert scares me to death, even in broad daylight. So we are staying in town with our new kitty. Mike is convinced that my cat allergies will magically disappear. We will see. The itchy eyes started last night and I've been sneezing all morning, so my hopes are not very high. For now, she is pretty cute, I guess.


  1. I can't believe you guys "maybe" got a kitten. We should probably come see her

  2. My best friend was highly allergic to cats and then a stray wouldnt leave their house so they finally adopted it. She was super itchy and sneezy at first but now she is totally fine!

  3. Hopefully Libby was right and that will happen to you. Yes Elliot does look like Oliver in this picture. So cute.
    Don't blame you about driving through Mexico. I would be scared too.
    Love you

  4. Good luck with the allergies. The kitten is adorable. I had a kitten/cat growing up and adored her. You are right, the drive to rocky point is scary!

  5. we have cats b/c there are so many mice where we live (Acton, CA)- I used to be itchy, watery eyes, asthma when I was around cats, but my vet actually told me to take allergy medicatiion and after maybe a month or 2, I didn't need it anymore- I slowly weaned myself off of it (zyrtec)...good luck! :)

  6. They DO look so much alike-your kids are all so cute! Good luck with kitty-my husband is the one with car allergies which a few of the kids have inherited.

  7. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Let me tell you about cat allergies! As long as you don't have any breathing issues, you WILL get used to the cat. It will just take a bit. I used to be very, very allergic to cats - my face would swell, my eyes would shut, I would get itchy all over, and my head and neck would get red - that type of allergic. My husband and I got a cat when we were first married, and it tried to kill me. But, after about a year (that's how long it was for me), I could stand to be around her. And pick her up and brush her. It took forever, but it finally went away. We've had cats now for 15 years, and I now have the ability to sleep on the same pillow and rub my face in them.

  8. Brandon's cousin's cat allergies did go away when they got a kitten once he started taking a Claritin a day;) It is worth it.


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