Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dear Sugar, it's not me, it's you.

Day one was a breeze. Day two was jittery. Day three was a headache.

Thank you for your sugar break advice! It was very helpful. I'm drinking lots of water, eating fruit, and chewing gum. :) The cravings aren't bad, but I can tell that my body misses it. Once I made the decision to do it, though, it was easier than I thought it would be. It was only kind of hard to watch Stella eat frozen yogurt yesterday. But I resisted!

I'm not giving up sugar forever. And I definitely believe in having a day off every once in a while. A little bit of sugar in my bread or salad dressing doesn't bother me. It's the big things like doughnuts and chocolate chips and cake, etc. that I was eating far too often. I don't like the idea of completely eliminating something from my diet. I think healthy eating is all about moderation and maintainable lifestyle changes. Eating less, eating more simply, eating food the way it was meant to be eaten.

So I have avoided the no sugar trend. But I felt like I needed a jump start to healthier eating. And too much sugar was my number one problem. I will no longer use sugar to fuel my body. I feel pretty pleased with my decision so far. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Good for you!!! I'm doing my 3rd 12-week round right now. I LOVE the way I feel off sugar. Good luck!

  2. Good job! I've been thinking about this lately too and look forward to your updates.

  3. I'm on day 3 of no sugar and holding strong. But ya, that's a tough habit to break. I was WAY over doing it far too often and it was giving me headaches a lot. Even after 3 days I feel SO much better.

    I agree though..moderation is good! I don't want to give up completely, so a little now and then is a good middle ground.

    Freckles in April

  4. Awesome. I know you love to read, so check out "real Food: What to eat and why." It will blow your mind. I promise!

  5. Okay well you've totally inspired me. Good for you! I agree with what you said about moderation. I would use a sugar fast as a way to get my cravings under control and to remember what it feels like to function without sugar. But I definitely wouldn't give it up forever.

  6. Oh gosh, I gave it up for two weeks and it was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Also, my body skipped my period that month. Total freak out. I didn't stay off completely, but I have definitely cut way back!

  7. Way to go! Your post about sugar describes just how I feel about it. When I have been off sugar in the past, I have done the same thing- lots of water, gum, fruit, and not worrying about the small amounts of sugar in things. Cutting sugar for a little while helps me cut back on it more when I get back to it. I love sugar though and enjoy treats every now and then. Way to go!

  8. Stephanie

    You are inspiring me. I've taken sugar breaks a couple of times and it was way harder than giving up meat entirely.

    ps I miss you. It was good to see you Friday!

  9. oh you are so brave. i could do it, were it not for my NEED (and i do mean NEED) for an afternoon dr pepper.

  10. Stephanie, I gave up sugar almost 2 months ago. The first 4 days were the hardest. I am now starting to add tiny bits of sugar back into my diet (like a bite of a cookie when my sweet 3 year old wants to share.) I think I could have written your exact post about how i was feeling, plus, having some stubborn 10 lbs that never went anywhere, even while training for a half marathon and ragnar. I have lost 8 lbs and feel great. I don't think sugar is the magic bullet or anything but it is eliminating junk calories and cutting overall calorie intake and making the calories you eat count.

  11. I just finished reading IN DEFENSE OF will definitely add fuel to your fire of eating better.


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