Thursday, November 05, 2009

We take the Scholastic Book Order very seriously.

Here they are, poring over it before breakfast this morning.
Their Christmas lists are growing.

In other news, happy 25th to my best little sister, Julianne! Love you, Jooj.


  1. I can't believe the amount of time my kids spend on those too... and all the Christmas toy catalogs too.

  2. there is nothin better than book orders. gracie just got some ballerina books courtesy our friends at scholastic.

  3. What a great picture! I remember looking forward to the book fairs more than anything in school

  4. I love Stella's bed head.

  5. As a former first grade teacher I can tell orders are a BIG deal! You should be in the office when the mail arrives and all of those Scholastic boxes are stacked up.The teachers get so excited! (It means free books for their classrooms you know!) I always felt like Santa a Christmas passing out the books at the end of the day!

  6. What a great shot! It doesn't get any better than kids getting excited about books!

  7. elliott's right - stella looks awesome.

    thanks steph! love you so much :)

  8. Lovely posting... and wonderful to find a kindred Arizona girl who is relishing the season even if it is 92 degrees today... happy fall!

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    i teach kindergarten and when i hand these out to send home my kids go nuts for them. their eyes light up and they can't focus on anything else i say after that. i love that you are building life long readers!

  10. I don't know how those Scholastic people make any money. When I was teaching I would get so many free books every month - I loved it. I gave each of my kids $3 per month to order books....beyond that they paid for themselves. They always added some of their own money to get books.

  11. i like those orders as much as my kids do. that's such a cute picture.

    hey where is a halloween costume picture? are you boycotting?

  12. The little ones looks too cute....Happy Birthday to your little sister...

  13. My kids love the choosing part too. Sometimes it's better than the books themselves! =)

  14. I have the best memories ever of Scholastic book order. Babysitters Club 4-ever

  15. This photo is SO me and my siblings. Same genders, same age differences, same love books. Adorable!


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