Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm not sure what has come over me. Maybe it's the fact that I am in desperate need of a new wardrobe, with no money to spend on such a luxury, but I can't seem to stop sewing.

The other night we went to a friend's party. We were supposed to dress in "classy beach" attire. Well, since Mike and I were lacking anything matching that description, I went shopping and found sweet seersucker pants for Mike at Old Navy for $7. I love seersucker. It's so classic. Mike looked great, but would never in a million years wear those pants again. So I stole them. And made this:

It's my nod to the nautical. I used every bit of those pants I could, including the gray polka dotted pocket lining.


  1. Wow, very creative and very nice!

  2. I love it! I would ask you to make me a skirt just like that but seeing how I'm nearly 8 months pregnant{and under ordinary circumstances, I don't have a slim bottom half as dainty as yours}, it wouldn't do anything for my figure to wear a pencil skirt. It does look darling on you though. One of these days I really just need to teach myself how to sew!

  3. wow, steph, you have outdone yourself, that is my favorite yet!! i love it.

  4. I'm impressed! Why don't I have imagination like that?

  5. I'm way impressed, Steph.

  6. That skirt looks RIGHT and I mean RIGHT out of Anthropologie. You are so good! Wow! I am so inspired. I adore searsucker, too- especially suits for men.

  7. Stephanie!!!!! You are amazing! That skirt is awesome. Wow. You are so creative. And gorgeous. You are making me wish I had taken that pattern design class at BYU.

  8. you're my hero! totally awesome!

  9. So impressive! I want one!

  10. I like it!!! I need to learn to sew!! I have a machine but don't know how to use it. LOL

  11. K your creations keep getting cuter and cuter. This is so flattering and looks so expensive!

  12. this is SO cute! i would buy this in a HEART BEAT if i had the killer slender modeling body you have. steph, you look incredible!

  13. seriously - when will you be taking orders?!

  14. How did you do that? Could you teach us? I LOVE IT!

  15. You have some amazing skills! I love it.

  16. Very cute project! I'm impressed by your resourcefulness!

  17. How awesome is that! I love it...looks like you payed a pretty penny for it. I think not having money to spend on the extras forces us to be creative and the result is better than if we had millions to spend. Great job!

  18. Oh! That is so cute! I love seersucker too...especially on little boys. I had the most darling blue seersucker sailor church outfit that they all wore. Sadly, the last one has outgrown it.:( You look great in that skirt! I wish I had an
    ounce of your talent.

  19. Wow! You are so awesome! Did you happen to take pictures for a tutorial of all of these great things you are creating? Adorable!

  20. Oh. My. Goodness. I love it! You should sell your crafty work. I would buy it.

  21. Wow! Such a cute skirt! I can't believe you made that out of men's pants! You are very talented!

  22. ok I'm sooo jealous of you now!! How exactly did you figure out the shape you made it? Just start cutting away or did you pin it while you had it on? Probably not the second choice huh?

  23. I cant believe you can sew like that. That's pretty impressive actually. How did you learn? I've been reading your blog for a little while now (found it through your Leslie) and I have to say you are my absolute favorite. Great work.

  24. Holy Moly. A, that looks great on you, and B, I can't believe you made that out of pants!!

  25. I love it. I also love seersucker.

  26. how slimming on you. what a crafty girl you are.

  27. how slimming on you. what a crafty girl you are.

  28. i am seriously jealous of your talent!

  29. if you don't apply to the next project runway (assuming it ever airs again), i will punch you in the shins.

  30. I will give you twenty dollars for that. (assuming that it would fit)

    Wait, what? This isn't an auction? Perhaps you should turn it into one. If so, my twenty dollars starts the bidding.

  31. Wow- I already thought you were out of control talented- that skirt is great! Very cute, I can't believe those came from a pair of Mike's pants!

  32. cute, flattering... I love it!

  33. holy moly girlfriend!! you are talented!!!

  34. Oh for goodness sakes! That's the cutest thing. Are you using patterns for these creations? Or are you winging it... you are a talent! :) And what a trim waistline you have!

  35. I will give you $40 for that, right now. I'm not kidding. I only wish I could wear a tucked in shirt with it like that and not reveal my tiny, squishy muffin top. How do people wear tucked in shirts and have them not look like a total sloppy mess anyway?

  36. Do you ever use a pattern? For this skirt and that paisley dress, I'd love to know how you did it...I actually am better when I don't use a pattern, but not if it's from scratch. (I can alter to my heart's content) Tell me your secrets!

  37. You're amazing! Wish you could come help me make my girls skirts for Easter. You are so skinny too. I'm very jealous.

  38. I am IN LOVE with that skirt. The little flower details are lovely. You look perfect in it.

  39. Stephy, you are pretty much amazing.


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