Monday, August 14, 2006


Tonight, whilst cooking dinner, I overheard my kids playing-- not playing store, but playing Target. Do you think this is an indication that I shop there too often?

I am not quite sure why the hats were needed.


  1. The hats add to the look, sooooo cute. Can't wait till next week when I am in Mesa. Give them hugs for us. This is too hard having such cute grandkids in 4 different states. Love you lots.

  2. That is classic! I am such this is what Mia is doing while she collects thing in her stroller. I love their hats and all the stuff they bought.

  3. The hats make any game funner! What cute little friends they are, I can't wait until Tucker stops bullying his sister and can actually play games with her!

  4. ya, it's pretty telling when in response to "what do you want to do, Jayden?" he says, "hmmm, let's go to Target store!" - there could be worse places, right? :D hey - in this heat, it's air conditioned, there are toys for them and everything else for me - plus they have those cold Dr. Peppers in the mini-fridges at checkout - can't beat that!

  5. So cute! My kids recentley discovered the toy aisles at Target, so they like going there nearly as much as I do! I haven't caught them Target shopping at home though. :)

  6. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Tooooo cute! David thinks it is hard to have grandkids in 4 different states! Well try 6 different states and overseas too. Will the kids ever get to know us????? Love them all anyway/ All so special.
    Love and Hugs

  7. Awesome!! I LOVE Target!!


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