Friday, May 22, 2015

happy long weekend

Summer vacation starts today, so it kind of feels like we are at the beginning of the world's longest weekend, not just a regular long weekend. And we are pumped about it! Bring on the lazy mornings and the afternoons spent at the pool. Let's stay up as late as we want, reading in bed! No more slaving over hot breakfasts or packing lunches. It's cereal for everyone, every morning! I can't wait.

But first Mike and I need to get ready for the pioneer trek. Then, then I can relax. Just kidding! Then I have to get ready for girls' camp. Blerg. Actually, I have some really fun things to make for girls' camp, so don't feel too sorry for me. But come mid-June, I will for sure be ready to not do a single thing. 

Any big plans this weekend? Mike finished digging the humongous hole to bury our trampoline, so we'll spend his day off trying to get it in the ground. And we should probably start collecting tents and tie downs and everything else we need to outfit our handcart for the trek. It will be a regular party over here, I think. Hopefully we'll at least eat some ice cream while we're at it.

I hope you have a good weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Long time reader, first time commenter here! Love your blog, Stephanie - your mothering and the simple, beautiful life you lead. One more week of school for us here in KY. Then kickball, signing up for swim team, hot dog roast with friends, and a hike and picnic on Monday. Sending you a link to my personal blog so you can see one of your readers if you like.


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