Friday, December 02, 2016
happy weekend
Kittens, kittens everywhere! You can't sit down at our house without a kitten climbing onto our lap (or back). This is perhaps my favorite picture of Mike ever. You can't really tell, but he is totally in his element. Ha!
We have a happy day planned today. First, Elliot is getting his stitches out and will hopefully be out of his knee brace. Then we'll pick up my parents from the airport. And tonight we are attending Mabel's MCO concert, Good Will Toward Men. These concerts are always the highlight of the Christmas season for me. They are so powerful. I am really looking forward to it.
Have you put up your Christmas tree? We haven't gotten ours yet, but maybe we can swing by the tree lot (I mean Home Depot) tomorrow.
I love the ideas for today's 25 days of service. I think "Tell your parents they were right. Be specific!" is my favorite. Good thing my parents are coming into town today. It is a small but good way to #LIGHTtheWORLD.
Have a happy weekend!
I hadn't really been following the #LIGHTtheWORLD calendar -- just trying to keep my head above water, I feel like. But I love that suggestion too; I'm so glad you pointed it out, Steph. I have now officially told my parents that they were right about all their courtship advice (date for at least a year, and not long-distance) and that I'm grateful I followed it!