Tuesday, September 06, 2016
happy birthday Oliver!
Oliver turns 12 today, which is kind of a big deal. But you know what? Oliver is kind of a big deal, too--if it is possible to be a big deal in a really quiet, easy going kind of way. To illustrate his easy going-ness: one item on his birthday list said "whatever you want." I mean.
Since the day he was born, he has been a good kid. I know I can count on him to be mature and responsible and obedient.
My dad was in town last night, so we celebrated a little early with dinner out at Johnny Rocket's, Oliver's favorite. Tonight we'll dig into the humongous brownie and chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich cake that Mabel made for him. And then we'll go around in a circle and say all the things we love about him. I'm pretty sure it will be hard for each of us to choose just one. We love him so!
Happy birthday to your son! I hope he has a great time being celebrated today!